Monday, December 25, 2017

Go Fund Me for Sue and Jim Martin Outdoor Recreation Program

“Sue Martin and Jim Marin have started a Go Fund Me fund raiser for an Outdoor Recreation Center for people who are blind or visually impaired.

You may know Sue from her novels; "Out of the Whirlpool" and "In Dog We Trust".  If successful, we hope to start having programs for adults and children over 10 years of age next summer.  We live on 19 acres with lake frontage on beautiful Great Pond in Franklin, Maine.  The program will include hiking, camping, kayak and canoeing, fishing as well as swimming and cooking your own food.  We could also include hiking excursions in Acadia National Park, and may have winter camping including cross country skiing.
I am attaching our link to the Go Fund Me program.  Any donation you can afford will be gratefully accepted.  Please share this information far and wide.  It will not only be limited to citizens of Maine, but worldwide to anyone who is blind or visually impaired.  Perhaps we could have a special blind veterans program if there is enough interest.  Sue, who happens to be blind, and I have spent 32 years hiking, camping, fishing, kayaking/canoeing, and cross country skiing everywhere we have lived.  I have taught blind O&M students and friends how to use their mobility skills in the outdoors, particularly hiking and cross country skiing.  If interested in helping us create this program go to:

The link to Go Fund Me:

Friday, December 1, 2017