Board of Directors


If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors or any  committee, please contact us with a letter of intent and areas of interest! Contact: Alicia Stevens at

Board of Directors

Lindsay Ball MS. Ed.

 Lindsay has been involved in sports for a majority of her life. She started skiing at the age of six. From there her love for sports grew. She attended sports camps in Maine for many years throughout elementary and middle school. In middle school she began running track which led her to run cross country and track in high school. Lindsay started competitive skiing in high school and continued through college. She earned herself a spot on the United States National Paralympic Team in 2012. This led her to qualifying for the U.S. Paralympic Team for Sochi in 2014. Lindsay now runs road races ranging from a 5K to the marathon for fun. Lindsay is currently working on her Ph.D. in Health and Sport Pedagogy with a concentration in Adapted Physical Education at Old Dominion University. She became involved in MOBALE to help other blind and visually impaired individuals become active and strive for athletic success.

 Amy Giroux

Kyle Miller

Alicia Stevens Certified Orientation and Mobility Instructor
Alicia has a Masters in counseling has been in the blindness profession since 2017 when she gained her certification in O&M. She got involved with MOBALE in 2016 as a volunteer guide runner. Alicia works with PE teachers in central Maine to help her students advocate for themselves to find appropriate accommodations to participate in PE at their schools. “I love taking part in this sports camp and watching the development of  new friendships and personal growth of all the athletes. It’s why I come back every year.

Steve Kelley, CVRT, CRC, CATIS

Steve found his way into the field of blindness rehab and assistive technology as a computer user trying to stay in the game with a vision impairment himself. Steve received MAs in both Blindness Rehab and Rehab Counseling from UALR and has several professional certifications—CVRT, CRC, and CATIS. Most of Steve’s experience is working with adult learners face-to-face in their homes or a center-based program. Steve works with the Assistive Technology Team at Hadley wears he has the good fortune to be called a Learning Expert helping to develop training material, work with learners remotely, and co-host Hadley discussion groups. You can also find Steve at and as one of the regular writers for AFB AccessWorld and


John McMahon, Ph.D.

Dr. McMahon has been in the blindness profession for more than 30 years. During this time he has been a national figure in promoting full inclusion of blind people into school, work, and community. Dr. McMahon is a former competitive athlete, wrestling in both high school and college, and was a national champion wrestler in the United States Association for Blind Athletes National Championships in 1989. Dr. McMahon has conducted research on the impact of Sports Education Camps on participant’s physical performance, Self-Perception, and level of Physical Activity. In addition, Dr. McMahon has staffed Sports Education Camps in various parts of the country for more than 20 years.