Monday, October 30, 2017

Fall 2017 Newsletter

MOBALE October 2017


VOL 1 No. 3 - October, 2017,



  On June 21, MOBALE welcomed 10 athletes from Maine and New Hampshire to the 2017 Summer Sports Educational Camp (SEC) in Waterville, Maine. They met on Wednesday afternoon at a new venue for accommodations at the townhouses of Thomas College. If you think camp is a “walk in the park”, think again! Here is a sample of a day in the life of a MOBALE athlete…
6:45-Wake up; 7:30-board the bus to Alfond Center for breakfast; 8:00-running, long jump and shot put; 10:30-goalball;12:00-lunch; 1:00-gynmastics, swimming,& rock climbing; 4:00-Wrestling; 6:00-Dinner; 7:30-Bowling; 9:00-Athlete meeting; 9:30-shower; 10:00-lights out and rest up for the next jam-packed day of sporting experiences!
Wrestling To that varied list of sports, add archery, martial arts, Zumba and beep baseball and bumpy bus rides where athletes socialize and forge friendships that many will never forget.
    On Saturday, the fun of learning new sports culminated with individual and team competitions, a banquet lunch, and awards. CONGRATULATIONS to this year’s recipients: Athlete of the Year, Kamdyn McCallister and Spirit Award, Courtney Skillin for their skill, perseverance and helpfulness to both athletes and staff.

Dr. John McMahon
SPOTLIGHT ON SPECIAL AWARDS: The “Organization of the Year” was awarded to John T. Cyr and Sons Bus Lines of Old Towne for its generous donation of a school bus used to transport athletes among multiple venues. Augusta School District driver, Rolfe Frost, cheerfully commandeered the vehicle of energetic athletes and volunteers from early morning til late at night for many miles during the SEC. In 2012, Cyr & Sons celebrated its founding 100 years ago as a freight-livery business with two horses, hauling lumber from the woods to Old Town Canoe. Over the years, the business has grown to 300 vehicles that travel millions of miles every year. The 2017 VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD went to a very special person, Dr. John McMahon, who has had a major impact on all aspects of MOBALE. Besides being the current President and leader of MOBALE fund-raising efforts, John is a tireless promoter of full inclusion of visually impaired people in school, work and community, both professionally and as a volunteer. He is not afraid to get “down and dirty” as a teacher of sports, bringing years of experience and expertise as a competitive wrestler himself, as well as over 20 years on staff of SECs around the United States. John has made an enormous contribution to the operation of MOBALE and, most importantly, as a role model to the youth athletes. THANK YOU to JT Cyr and Sons and John McMahon for being driving forces behind the success of our SEC.   

SUPPORT FOR MOBALE ATHLETES AND PROGRAMS comes from our sponsors: Lions Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Free Masons, Fraternal Order of Eagles and Auxiliary, the IRIS Network and Maine Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired as well as individuals who have made both financial and “in-kind” donations. 
HOW CAN YOU HELP? You may sign up to volunteer your time and/or talents or donate using PAY PAL by visiting our website. We also have a partnership with Hannaford CLYNK, bottle return.  Contact Michelle at 207-208-6354 for labels and help MOBALE to fund our up-coming Winter SEC.

WINTER SPORTS EDUCATION CAMP   Planning has begun for the 2018 Winter SEC which will be at Sugarloaf USA. Youth in grades 3-12 of all skill levels are looking forward to enjoying winter activities including downhill and cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, skating and sipping hot cocoa! Be sure to visit our website for more information on the dates and schedules as well as how to register.
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Download a copy of the MOBALE October 2017 newsletter in Word format

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